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stunned: CentOS 5.3 VNC installation

Having been a merry Ubuntu GNU/Linux user for a couple of years now and, lately, kind of “flirting” with OpenSolaris for some reasons, these days once again I…

6. Oktober 2009

cyrus imapd: shared folder hierarchy recovery

Fought a half-day fight battling with our local Cyrus IMAPd installment. And talking complexity again: We’re using right this mail server implementation because it provides extensive support for…

16. Juli 2009

small-time SOA: lessons learnt so far…

Some time ago, in the midst of migrating at least parts of our application from an all-integrated proprietary monolith to a more “open” approach, we quickly came to…

11. März 2009

“Dafür zahl ich nicht!”

An sich bin ich bekennender Unterstützer der Idee öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkes, weil ich der Meinung bin, daß auch in der Welt von Radio und Fernsehen, die ja als Medium…

2. März 2009

Songbird: 1.0

They’ve gone quite a long way: Songbird, the open-source cross platform music player based upon the technical foundation of Mozilla, finally has seen its 1.0.0 release, available for…

3. Dezember 2008