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digging into the Palm Pre…

After being with my K800i for more than three years, indeed I wonder why actually get a new cell phone, why bother dealing with syncing contacts, configurations, ……

21. September 2010

C# and mono: getting some feet wet…

Well, some of the readers of these pages will have noticed that, carefully speaking, my enthusiasm for Microsoft technology is pretty limited. “Limited” indeed is the right way…

15. April 2010

SAP, open-ness and moving to Oracle?

There have been a couple of different posts in various SAP related blogs recently, as well as some responses by non-SAP(?) folks, dealing with Java technology (especially in…

30. November 2009

eclipse+maven2: still a rough ride…

Once you get back to trying… After using NetBeans IDE for the past couple of years mainly (even though not only) for its excellent support of projects based…

26. November 2009