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os2008.05#1 : a week with OpenSolaris

Well, what do you know… Time has passed rather quickly it seems ever since I dealt with OpenSolaris here for the first time, and by now, the first…

23. Juni 2008

Ende der Demokratie?

Zum Wochenbeginn ein interessanter Beitrag, gefunden auf RP Online: “Deutschland ist keine echte Demokratie mehr”: … Der Parteienkritiker Hans Herbert von Arnim ist der Ansicht, die Bundesrepublik sei…

5. Mai 2008

Flickr: Comin’ to an end after all.

Hard to say that Flickr folks are living an easy life these days… Goin’ through the somewhat rough days of censorship issues in mid-2007, to quite some of…

7. April 2008

MeshCMS: lightweight Java cms

Let’s get it straight: Most of the time, I hate dealing with content management systems in my professional environment, as so far I haven’t found the right solution…

20. März 2008