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XFCE 4.4.3 on OpenSolaris 2008.11 pre-release

Playing with OpenSolaris once again, I surely also wanted to make use of my favorite desktop environment XFCE on that platform. Unfortunately, so far there are no up-to-date…

6. November 2008

Glassfish V3 Prelude comin’ to life…

As of today, November 6, release V3 Prelude of the Glassfish Application Server is about to be officially announced, putting an end to quite a long period of…

6. November 2008

OpenSolaris 2008.11 and “the slider”

Whoever has a look at things to come once in a while noticed that, downloading and running the up-to-date OpenSolaris ISOs available at genunix.org, OpenSolaris 2008.11, the next…

4. November 2008

WebSynergy: portal development renewed?

Quite a while ago, there has been an announcement publishing a collaboration between Sun Microsystems and Liferay in order to create what eventually could be referred to as…

3. November 2008

Kommissar for Präsident!

Etwas eigenartig mutete es schon an, was nach Gerüchten nunmehr zur Nachricht wurde: die Linke wird Peter Sodann als Kandidaten für die nächste Wahl zum Amt des Bundespräsidenten…

15. Oktober 2008

gimp 2.6: re-armed and reloaded

Congratulations, folks: On October 01, 2008, gimp.org has announced the availability of release 2.6 of the “GNU Image Manipulation Program” aka Gimp”, coming with an interesting list of…

2. Oktober 2008

autumnal soundscapes: Star Of Ash

Sometimes music just doesn’t work out immediately… It was back in early 2008 when I stumbled across “The Thread” initially, listened to the album quite a few times,…

29. September 2008

TV-Krimis und “Schema F”

… „Am Anfang liegt ’ne Leiche rum, dann kommt ein Ermittler und kriegt im Lauf des Films heraus, wer sie auf dem Gewissen hat.“ So einfach erklärte mir…

29. September 2008