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SYN-Flooding für den Geist…

Immer noch und immer wieder habe ich die Hoffnung, daß Technologie Möglichkeiten schafft. Besser Kreativität ausleben können. Viel mehr Tools auf kleinem Raum, die den eigenen Horizont eröffnen…

21. März 2017

XMPP? Nice, but …

I keep on repeatedly promoting and suggesting people to take a closer look at XMPP for their messaging needs instead of falling back to “proprietary” and disputable (yet…

18. Januar 2017


Been trying for quite a while to find a reasonable way of managing a “reading list”, with requirements pretty simple: I want to remember a bunch of web…

26. Oktober 2016


October already, again. Year’s moving on fast. Looking through my history, there are few years that have seen as little activity on this blog as this one. Maybe…

25. Oktober 2016


Der Spätsommer ist heiß in diesem Jahr. Wir haben lang Federball gespielt, bis wir die letzten Bälle ins Dickicht entlang des Platzes geschlagen haben und in der Dämmerung…

13. September 2016

Hidden patterns: 99 Percent Invisible

I’m into listening to podcasts for quite a while now, with a modestly fixed set of just enough sources to not make listening to all the interesting episodes…

8. September 2016


Soundtrack: The Grey Tapes – ‘noirworx I excerpt’ Shooting out late at night close to Dresdens Alberthafen. Strange to see the quietness in such places after dawn.

22. August 2016

Replicant: Neon dark dreams

Ever since Wave Gotik Treffen 2015 and some of the shows I used to see there, I’m a bit lost to music living somewhere in between post punk,…

17. August 2016