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Weniger Input.

Ich habe meinen Konsum von Nachrichtenquellen umgestellt, habe Google News aus meinem Horizont gebannt, ebenso alle Quellen, die Newsticker-Berichterstattung mit Information gleichsetzen, allen voran FOCUS Online. Die Zeiten…

15. August 2016

Microsoft, TypeScript, Code & me

If you’re among the two or three readers who have been following this blog through most of its more than ten years of more or less continued activity,…

13. Juni 2016

Social networks cleanup

Being sort of frustrated with parts of the status quo, I’m in the midsts of wiping some of my accounts registered with “alternative” social networks such as Diaspora,…

6. Juni 2016

Early days online: 1996 – 1998

My history on the internet and the World Wide Web starts in late 1996 when enlisting for the winter courses at the Chemnitz Institute of Technology. Had some years…

6. Juni 2016


Just discovered this a while ago after installing and using FBReader on some of my Android devices. There apparently is a free eBook edition of “Accelerando” by Charles…

27. Februar 2016

Souls at zero

Tage am Meer… Auf dem Weg zum Strand im schweren, staubigen Kombi. Kofferraum vollgepackt mit Zeugs, kreuz und quer durcheinander. Eine Kiste Bier, einige Flaschen besseren Weins. Dinge,…

7. Oktober 2015

trains, lights, insomnia

Soundtrack: Opale – ‘Sleepless’ Capturing the quiet mood of empty train stations long past midnight. A strange perception of restlessness and loneliness.

28. September 2015

GNOME: 18 and moving

Well, what do you know: The GNOME Unix desktop project is about to celebrate its 18th ‘birthday’, anniversary, … by tomorrow, August 15, 2015. I guess there’s more…

14. August 2015