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filesharing and economy

Thanks to the kind folks on the FreeCulture mailing list, I just came across a paper created and published by David Blackburn, being a student at Harvard Department…

27. November 2005

Kultur-Technologie Podcasts

Wer es noch nicht weiß: Telepolis ist immer lesenswert. Momentan findet sich dort ein ausführlicher und sehr gelungener Artikel zum Thema Podcasting und den Folgen dieser Technologie auf…

22. November 2005

Kill Bill’s Browser

There has been quite some motion recently talking about web browsers and why switching from Microsoft’s “blue e” to some other browser like Mozilla, Firefox or, perhaps sooner…

16. November 2005

GNU/Solaris gaining speed

Quite some time has passed since SUN Microsystems announced to release core components of their Solaris operating under an open-source compatible licensing, thus opening doors wide for the…

7. November 2005

cultural technology

After once again booting into the Copy4Freedom GNU/Linux Live CD this evening, I am once again ending thinking about technology and its role in culture and society and,…

6. November 2005

a new kind of Thunder(bird)

Sometimes a very specific needs makes us challenge the tools we use for everyday work… For quite some time now I’ve been a happy user of the Mozilla…

5. November 2005

welcome: flock!

For all those who still haven’t found a browser of their choice, maybe the new kid on the block is what you’re looking for: Flock aims at being…

25. Oktober 2005

Patenter Irrsinn, Teil (n+1)

Na also, warum denn nicht gleich so: Wie uns gewisse Lobbyverbände seit geraumer Zeit einzureden versuchen, sind Patente auf Software, Algorithmen, Datenstrukturen und alles, was irgendwie im entferntesten…

25. Oktober 2005