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HTTP caching and unirest-java

In one of our modules we make use of unirest client library for Java in order to access remote REST endpoints. As, right now, this involves quite some…

6. März 2015

unirest: cross-platform REST client.

Stumbled across unirest last nite while ultimately feeling a bit unhappy with Java EE / JAX-RS frameworks. These folks in some way got my mind re-sorted a bit….

7. Februar 2014

Profiling OSGi applications using VisualVM

Recently been into working with OSGi modules built on top of Apache Felix using the Eclipse bndtools. This ain’t fun all the time, but it works. However, I…

21. November 2013

Refactoring and removing.

Deleted code doesn’t contain bugs, they say. I always felt kind of unsafe with the idea of actually and straightforward removing code while into refactoring smaller or larger…

15. Juni 2012

a clueless start to node.js

node.js is a technology that has been on my “to-try” stack of technologies for quite a while now. There has been quite some fuzz out there recently regarding…

29. Juni 2011