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Columba: How to revive an open-source project?

Almost two years ago, maintainers of the Columba Mail mail client announced the end of their project due to obvious reasons (lack of time, being busy in “real life). Looking at some screenshots and the overall maturity of this (Java/Swing based) application, seeing this one being passed away that soon is rather sad – there’s a lot of good functionality in it already, and the world surely could benefit from having a cross-platform mail user agent written in plain Java not JavaScript. 😉 So… I wonder whether there is a good way of acquiring people in order to revive an open source project like this, and be that just for maintaining the code base, fixing basic issues, keeping the project alive. Of course, then again integrating it with, say, the NetBeans RC platform surely would be a nice thing… 🙂 Comments, anyone?

3. März 2009

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english , netbeans