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a better mousetrap #2: RESTing HATEOAS

Eventually a rather short thought relating to my attempt trying to, well, build a better mouse trap. Maybe in course of exploring things and slowly growing a technical…

14. Juli 2011

a clueless start to node.js

node.js is a technology that has been on my “to-try” stack of technologies for quite a while now. There has been quite some fuzz out there recently regarding…

29. Juni 2011

hitting the golden hammer.

More than once, the last couple of weeks I repeatedly stumbled across situations in which I had to remember the infamous Law Of The Instrument in order to…

28. Juni 2011

modeling, technologies and culture

Looking back at yesterdays Dresden Eclipse Indigo demo camp, I ended up with a couple of thoughts in my mind, both related to the technologies demonstrated there, and…

22. Juni 2011

fun with broken tools

I think I have been ranting about that before, already, and… for whatever it’s worth, then and now again I stumble across the same things that keep bugging…

2. Februar 2011