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GNU/Solaris gaining speed

Quite some time has passed since SUN Microsystems announced to release core components of their Solaris operating under an open-source compatible licensing, thus opening doors wide for the…

7. November 2005

cultural technology

After once again booting into the Copy4Freedom GNU/Linux Live CD this evening, I am once again ending thinking about technology and its role in culture and society and,…

6. November 2005

a new kind of Thunder(bird)

Sometimes a very specific needs makes us challenge the tools we use for everyday work… For quite some time now I’ve been a happy user of the Mozilla…

5. November 2005

welcome: flock!

For all those who still haven’t found a browser of their choice, maybe the new kid on the block is what you’re looking for: Flock aims at being…

25. Oktober 2005

Patenter Irrsinn, Teil (n+1)

Na also, warum denn nicht gleich so: Wie uns gewisse Lobbyverbände seit geraumer Zeit einzureden versuchen, sind Patente auf Software, Algorithmen, Datenstrukturen und alles, was irgendwie im entferntesten…

25. Oktober 2005

IM is dead?

I remember quite well some years ago when slowly getting into both GNU/Linux and “the internet” as a whole bunch of interesting technologies and means of communication, I…

9. Oktober 2005