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Soundtrack: Forma Tadre – “automate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flH8sUNjrQo. A new start, somehow, visually. Maybe cleaner. Maybe not. Let’s see where it is about to move.

5. Mai 2011

music to code to, #1: noisy psilosophy

In course of finding music to listen to while working through my evenings recently, a while ago I discovered freemetalalbums.com, an astounding site providing wagon loads of legally…

11. Februar 2011

fun with broken tools

I think I have been ranting about that before, already, and… for whatever it’s worth, then and now again I stumble across the same things that keep bugging…

2. Februar 2011

Locked in?

Es dürfte dem einen oder anderen nicht verborgen geblieben sein, daß ich das Gros meiner Tage damit verbringe, Software in einer In-House – Umgebung gleichermaßen zu betreiben, zu…

25. Januar 2011

Why HP/Palm webOS should be open(-sourc)ed…

Those who have been reading this blog for a little longer eventually might know I’m pretty enthusiastic about Open Source both due to pragmatic and to “philosophic” reasons…

1. Dezember 2010

digging into the Palm Pre…

After being with my K800i for more than three years, indeed I wonder why actually get a new cell phone, why bother dealing with syncing contacts, configurations, ……

21. September 2010